Attorneys for Hard Working Families ®



We have a history of achieving verdicts worth several millions of dollars for our clients.
You will never have to pay any fees unless we recover money on your behalf.
We have experience winning complex cases that other attorneys won’t even take.

Oregon Mesothelioma Lawyer

Mesothelioma isn’t like most other kinds of cancers. We know what causes it—and how to create a future in which mesothelioma doesn’t exist. As your Oregon mesothelioma lawyer, we are here to support you and your family in every way possible as we move forward together.

Frost Law Firm, PC is a group of dedicated attorneys who focus on asbestos-related disease cases. Through an asbestos lawsuit or other legal procedure, we can help you secure substantial compensation for your medical bills and out-of-pocket costs.

Discuss your mesothelioma claim with our Oregon mesothelioma attorneys during a free consultation. The information we provide can change the lives of you and your family.

Facing a Mesothelioma Diagnosis? We Can Help.

Did you work at a construction site, shipyard, factory, mill, refinery, or asbestos mine? Are you an Army veteran or Navy veteran who served our country before or during the 1970s? Did your employer hide the dangers of asbestos exposure from you?

Were you diagnosed with mesothelioma?

We want to help you and your family.

The mesothelioma lawyers of Frost Law Firm, PC are currently representing Oregon residents in Portland, Eugene, Salem, Grants Pass, Bend, Millsboro, Medford, Corvallis, Rainier, Klamath Falls, Milwaukie, Lake Oswego, and other areas of the state.

Our Oregon mesothelioma attorneys help clients understand their legal options, determine liability, identify available asbestos trust funds, calculate how much compensation they deserve, file personal injury lawsuits, and more.

Our multi-state recognition in trial law gives us an advantage in Oregon courts. And our combined decades of experience in asbestos litigation have taught us how to recover maximum compensation for our clients and their families, whether that be by:

  • Filing a mesothelioma claim against a former employer
  • Suing an asbestos manufacturer
  • Filing a personal injury lawsuit against a negligent corporation
  • Submitting a claim for compensation after occupational exposure
  • Tapping into an asbestos trust fund
  • Applying for veterans’ benefits through the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
  • Filing a wrongful death claim on behalf of someone lost to the disease

The Frost Law Firm, PC legal team has the know-how and experience to use the best legal process to your benefit. We work hard to protect the futures of our clients and their families from the financial, emotional, and physical debts that asbestos-related disease can cause. We make sure the Oregon mesothelioma settlements we recover meet the full extent of the needs of our clients.

What Sets Us Apart From Other Oregon Mesothelioma Lawyers?

For the lawyers at Frost Law Firm, PC, every mesothelioma case we take on is personal. Unlike other law firms, we have experienced firsthand the devastation this cancer can cause to a family.

Founding Attorney Scott L. Frost knows what it’s like to lose a parent to asbestos cancer. And Of Counsel Attorney Ron Shingler, proud son of an asbestos plant worker, saw many of the men in his family lose their lives to asbestos-related illnesses. Now, every day we continue the legacy of hard work and determination laid down by Scott’s father, Ron’s relatives, and countless others whose lives were cut short by this terrible disease.

Our award-winning legal team is comprised of Army veterans, nationally recognized mesothelioma experts, and attorneys honored as Law & Politics Texas Rising Stars, multi-listed Southern California Super Lawyers, and Diplomate Tier, AAJ Masters of Trial Law. We hold bar admissions in Oregon and multiple states across the country.

Our expertise in asbestos litigation, pro bono work, success in mesothelioma cases, and speeches and publications on topics in the field have made us a name among our peers.

Our successes have included:

  • $2,500,000 mesothelioma settlement for a former student of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) who was exposed to asbestos in automotive, ceramic, and crafting classes
  • $5,000,000 mesothelioma verdict for a former construction worker exposed to asbestos on the job
  • $7,450,000 mesothelioma settlement for a client exposed at the California Maritime Academy
  • $32,000,000 secondhand asbestos exposure verdict for surviving family members of a deceased individual in a lawsuit filed against Kraft Heinz corporation

We are the attorneys for hard-working families in Oregon. We fight for mesothelioma victims who were unknowingly exposed on the job, at construction sites, in Oregon shipyards, through military service, and through secondhand exposure to asbestos fibers.

How Do I File a Mesothelioma Lawsuit in Oregon?

The first step is to contact a law firm of mesothelioma lawyers who can assess your case. Frost Law Firm, PC can do this at no cost during a free case evaluation. We can then help you by:

  • Investigating how and when you may have been exposed
  • Partnering with medical experts to support your case
  • Identifying all liable parties
  • Holding employer or manufacturing companies accountable for your disease
  • Handling all paperwork and communications for you
  • Securing the compensation you need to change your and your family’s life

We do everything possible to make the legal process comfortable and convenient for you. We can’t begin until you let us know you’re ready. Contact us by phone or through our website to schedule a time for a free consult.

The Link Between Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma

The only known cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos.

Asbestos is a naturally-occurring group of minerals. This fibrous substance was once used prevalently in construction, manufacturing, and industry. Its use has been recorded in over 4,000 common building products used throughout the 20th century.

We now know exposure to asbestos is directly linked to a number of serious and often-fatal health conditions, including mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis (a scarring of the lungs).

Oregon Asbestos Exposure Sites

Our state has a long history of asbestos exposure. The shipyards of our coastline and the lumber and paper mills of our forests were once heavy users of materials containing and spreading asbestos fibers. Oregon also housed three large commercial asbestos production mines that churned out as much as 5,000 pounds of asbestos fibers every day. They were:

  • L.E.J. Asbestos Mine (Josephine County)
  • Raspberry Creek Deposit (Jackson County)
  • Mount Vernon Deposit (Grant County)

Mining these asbestos deposits was a major source of exposure, but it wasn’t the only way Oregon residents were subjected to asbestos fiber inhalation.

Mills, airports, power plants, construction sites, refineries, chemical plants, shipyards, metalwork facilities, factories, public buildings, and residential neighborhoods all posed severe risks at points in our history, potentially exposing thousands. In all, there have been an estimated 150 to 200 documented asbestos exposure sites in Oregon.

The list below is not a complete list of all exposure and contamination areas in the state, nor does it reflect current conditions at these sites. If you’re unsure where you were exposed or whether your workplace used asbestos-containing materials, speak with an Oregon mesothelioma attorney on our team who can help with your particular case.

  • Martin-Marietta Aluminum (The Dalles)
  • Ashland Railroad Yard (Ashland)
  • Burns Air Force Station (Harney County)
  • Marine Corps Barracks Klamath Falls, later site of North Ridge Estates (north of Klamath Falls)
  • Chiloquin Lumber Company and Box Company (Klamath County)
  • Naval Air Station Tongue Point (Astoria)
  • Supreme Perlite (Portland)
  • Vermiculite Northwest (Portland)
  • Warehouse at 1300 North River Road (Portland)
  • Borden Chemical (Springfield)
  • Rhone-Poulenc Agricultural (Portland)
  • Astoria Marine Construction Company (Clatsop County)
  • St. Helens Pulp and Paper Company (St. Helens)
  • Reynolds/Alcoa Aluminum Smelter (Troutdale)
  • Paris Woolen Mill (Stayton)
  • Bradford Island at Bonneville Dam (Multnomah County)
  • Griffith Rubber Mill (Portland)
  • Swan Island Municipal Airport (Swan Island, Portland)
  • Portland International Airport (Portland)
  • Chemical Waste Management of the Northwest (Gilliam County)
  • Emanuel Hospital, now Legacy Emanuel Medical Center (Portland)

During World War I, and especially at the height of production during World War II, the U.S. Navy relied heavily on asbestos materials for their strength and fire-resistant properties. Asbestos used in Oregon shipyards along the coast, Columbia River, and Willamette River affected countless individuals working and stationed there. These shipyards included:

  • Oregon Shipbuilding Corporation
  • Albina Engine & Machine Works
  • Northwest Marine Iron Works
  • Astoria Voyage Repair Station
  • Swan Island Shipyard
  • Dyer Shipyard
  • Portland Ship Repair Yard
  • Willamette Iron and Steel Works
  • Cascade General Portland Shipyard

Oregon Workers Most at Risk for Malignant Mesothelioma

Anyone can be diagnosed with mesothelioma. But patients generally have one thing in common—they were exposed to asbestos, usually without their knowledge. We have even seen spouses and children of workers develop mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos fibers brought home on family members’ clothing.

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) estimates that 27 million workers were exposed to asbestos fibers at work between the years 1940 and 1979. Thousands of individuals did not realize they had developed a fatal disease until they were diagnosed decades later.

Mesothelioma patients are often employees of a company that did not provide personal protective equipment (PPE), did not warn workers they were handling asbestos, did not take proper asbestos abatement safety measures, or otherwise failed to protect workers from inhaling asbestos fibers.

The leading cause of mesothelioma is occupational exposure to asbestos products. Workers most at risk for developing asbestos-related diseases include:

  • Asbestos miners
  • Construction workers
  • Firefighters
  • Auto mechanics
  • Welders
  • Electricians
  • Shipyard workers
  • Longshoremen
  • Members of the U.S. Navy
  • Refinery workers
  • Aircraft mechanics
  • Building inspectors
  • Plumbers
  • Roofers
  • Painters
  • Factory workers
  • Maintenance technicians
  • Ironworkers
  • Railroad workers
  • Bricklayers
  • Drywallers
  • Carpenters

Asbestos-Related Oregon Laws and Regulations

Both federal and state laws govern Oregon mesothelioma cases. State departments such as the Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality jointly oversee asbestos regulations in the state. Regulations monitor asbestos-related issues, including abatement licensing, workplace exposure, asbestos removal projects, and more.

Oregon Statutes Chapter 468A — Air Quality contains the bulk of state legislation regarding the use and handling of asbestos-containing materials. This chapter includes:

  • 468A.700. Defines an “asbestos-containing material” as any material containing more than 1% asbestos by weight. Defines “friable asbestos material” as any asbestos-containing material that hand pressure can crumble to powder when dry. Provides other important definitions.
  • 468A.705. Lists legislative findings, including:
    • Asbestos is a danger to the public health.
    • Asbestos fibers are respiratory hazards proven to cause lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis.
    • An increasing number of asbestos abatement projects increases the risk to contractors, workers, and the public.
    • If improperly performed, an asbestos abatement project creates unnecessary health and safety hazards.
    • Exposure to asbestos can cause negative impacts in the areas of health, family life, preservation of human resources, wage loss, insurance, medical expenses, and disability compensation payments.
  • 468A.707. Details laws governing asbestos abatement programs, contractor licensing, and worker certification. Specifically addresses rules for the removal of asbestos-containing materials on or in pipes, drywall, insulation, valve gaskets, ceiling beams, and more. It also covers regulations for the installation of electrical conduits near or through asbestos-containing materials.

The Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA) is the only locally-based air quality control agency in Oregon. The Lane Regional Air Protection Agency Code — Title 43 provides asbestos requirements specific to resident and commercial asbestos removal projects in Lane County, Oregon. With member entities in Eugene, Springfield, Cottage Grove, and Oakridge, the LRAPA provides forms, resources, and education to help individuals and businesses safely remove and handle asbestos materials across Lane County.

Another law that may apply to a mesothelioma lawsuit is the state modified comparative negligence law, found in the Oregon Revised Statutes sections 31.600 to 31.620. This means that Oregon law recognizes joint liability, and the plaintiff may be partially at fault for the incident that caused them harm. Under this law, a plaintiff in a personal injury case may still recover compensation if they were found to have partially contributed to their accident, so long as their percentage of fault does not exceed 50%.

Finally, Oregon Revised Statutes Section 12.110 imposes a statute of limitations that may apply to certain mesothelioma cases handled in Oregon.

What Is the Statute of Limitations for Oregon Mesothelioma Cases?

A statute of limitations is a deadline for filing personal injury claims. If you intend to take legal action through a mesothelioma lawsuit in Oregon, you have a limited amount of time to do so.

Determining the statute of limitations that applies to your asbestos lawsuit is not as straightforward as other types of personal injury cases. There are a few reasons for this.

Firstly, mesothelioma is a cancer characterized by a late onset. Many patients don’t notice any symptoms until up to 50 years after they’ve been exposed to asbestos. Secondly, not every asbestos case is handled by filing a lawsuit. There are other legal means for recovering compensation after a mesothelioma diagnosis, including accessing an asbestos trust fund, applying for VA benefits, or through another legal process.

The statute of limitations will vary greatly depending on the circumstances of your case. Please contact a mesothelioma attorney from Frost Law Firm, PC to discuss the time restraints that may apply to your case. It is best to act sooner rather than later to avoid missing the opportunity for action.

Why the “Bare Metal” Defense Does Not Apply Under Oregon Law

A 2016 case tried in the Oregon Court of Appeals established a precedent that sets Oregon apart from most other states when it comes to mesothelioma litigation.

In the case McKenzie vs. A.W. Chesterton Co., the Court ruled that the “bare metal” defense—a defense frequently used by companies whose employees were exposed to asbestos—does not apply under Oregon law.

Using the bare metal defense, a company can avoid liability by claiming their actual products did not contain asbestos and that the asbestos-containing components were only added at a later time. This effectively means that the company has no duty to warn employees of the dangers of asbestos products, or to take accountability for workers who fall ill.

This important ruling seen in the McKenzie case allowed Paul McKenzie, a 20-year Navy veteran who served on WWII aircraft carriers, to recover justice. And this ruling continues to benefit mesothelioma victims pursuing compensation in the state of Oregon.

Defining Mesothelioma: Types, Symptoms, and Prognosis

Malignant mesothelioma is a form of cancer. It affects the thin lining (mesothelium) of certain areas of the body, particularly the lungs, chest, and abdomen. Asbestos exposure is the main cause of mesothelioma.

Types of Mesothelioma

There are four main types of mesothelioma:

  • Pleural mesothelioma: in the lining of the chest (pleura)
  • Peritoneal mesothelioma: in the lining of the abdomen (peritoneum)
  • Pericardial mesothelioma: in the lining of the heart (pericardium)
  • Testicular mesothelioma: in the lining of the testes

Pericardial and testicular mesothelioma are rare. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common type of this cancer, making up about 70–80% of malignant mesothelioma cases. Peritoneal is the second most common type, comprising somewhere between 10% and 20% of cases.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma

Symptoms of malignant mesothelioma vary depending on the type.

With pleural mesothelioma—the most common type by a wide margin—patients frequently experience lung-related symptoms like coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, and coughing up blood. Peritoneal mesothelioma patients often see abdominal and gastrointestinal symptoms like pain and swelling in the abdomen, nausea, and changes in bowel movements.

Mesothelioma patients of all types are also likely to experience general symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • High white blood cell count
  • Anemia
  • Pain
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Chills, excessive sweating, and night sweats
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Blood clots

Prognosis After a Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Mesothelioma has a generally poor survival rate. If caught early, targeted therapy may be effective. And advances in medicine have provided new options that didn’t exist a few years ago. However, mesothelioma does not usually develop until 20 to 50 years after asbestos exposure—making it unusually difficult to diagnose and treat. It can go undetected for decades until it finally manifests at a stage too late to effectively treat.

Because the onset of the disease typically comes in a person’s advanced years, a patient may spend the remainder of their life in palliative care. Palliative care is treatment with the goal of making the patient comfortable rather than eradicating the illness. The American Cancer Society states that the average age at which a person is diagnosed with mesothelioma is 72 years of age.

A 2017 study found that, even under the most ideal health conditions, the average life expectancy after diagnosis was only 11 years for male patients and 15 years for female patients. Most patients diagnosed in their 60s and 70s do not survive this long.

Spending your final years managing a fatal disease can drain even the most economically-secure person’s resources. For this reason, it’s important for many of our clients to protect the financial futures of their loved ones.

Part of our job as Oregon mesothelioma lawyers is to make sure that negligent corporations are not allowed to wipe out a family’s finances for generations. When you never should have gotten cancer in the first place, we are here to make sure the party responsible bears responsibility and accountability for the harm they’ve caused.

Sit Down and Talk With a Mesothelioma Attorney for Free

We are the Oregon mesothelioma law firm that fights for hardworking individuals and families. We understand the pain you’re suffering, and we are here to guide you to the solution the law gives to people in your situation.

We want you to have peace, justice, financial security, and the knowledge that your family and future generations are protected from the negligence that hurt you.

Contact the experienced mesothelioma attorneys from Frost Law Firm, PC to discuss your asbestos claim today. A confidential, no-obligation, free legal consultation is ready for you. Call or schedule online to take the first step.

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