Personal Injury Lawyers
While we handle all types of catastrophic personal injury cases. We have strong passion and storied history of handling mesothelioma and asbestos cases.
When a doctor tells someone they have mesothelioma, not only does the person who is diagnosed suffer—but their entire circle of family members and loved ones do as well. Lung cancer is a beast no one should have to go up against—especially when that cancer is caused by unknowingly being exposed to dangerous products and materials used by major corporations.
At Frost Law Firm, PC, we know firsthand the pain and suffering a mesothelioma diagnosis can cause. We know how terrible it is to watch a loved one battle the beast of cancer for years on end. We also know how tragic it is to lose that fight. For over eighteen years, Scott L. Frost has dedicated his legal practice to helping mesothelioma victims. He does so in memory of his father, who lost his own battle against lung cancer years ago.
Our attorneys have over 30 combined years of mesothelioma and asbestos trial experience and have represented victims and their family members across the entire United States, including patients in Hawaii, California, Washington, Oregon, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Nevada, Massachusetts, New York, Oklahoma, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, and Texas. We’re proud of our years of experience, but also our approach.
At Frost Law Firm, you’re not a number. We take an innovative, small-team approach to building cases because we know our clients deserve a dedicated team that gives every case their all. The same team you meet during your first appointment will help you all the way to the resolution of your case. Being a smaller team also allows our nationwide mesothelioma lawyers to quickly adapt as they need to in our ever-changing legal environment.
We’re committed to fighting back against corporations who have let workers, families, and military members become exposed to asbestos and ensure victims receive the compensation they need to live comfortably. Taking legal action will not undo a diagnosis, but by doing what we can to help victims and their loved ones face their battles head-on, we make our communities safer for future generations. It’s our mission to make sure what happened to us never happens to our children and grandchildren.