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Frost Law Firm, PC Offering Scholarship for Students

Frost Law Firm, PC is dedicated to helping others. That’s why our mesothelioma law firm is starting an academic scholarship to help students get their education. We’re offering a $1,000 scholarship for first year college students and students planning on attending their first year of college because we understand how the cost of higher education can prevent students from achieving their goals. Finances shouldn’t get in the way of education and we’re doing what we can to help students and invest in the future.

The submission period for our Fall 2021 scholarship is currently open. The applications are due by Friday, July 16, 2021 by 11:59 p.m. EST. Your application will be an essay answering our prompt, which can be found in the information below.

Scholarship Guidelines

To apply for the scholarship, you have to meet certain requirements.

  • Applicants must be in their first year of college or graduate school or plan to attend their first year of either.
  • Transfer students may apply for this scholarship, given they are new to their school.
  • The school must be in the United States.
  • Applicants need a U.S. mailing address by the due date, Friday, July 16, 2021.
  • Applicants must attach their essay and proof of acceptance to their school.

The Essay Prompt and Rules

The essay prompt for 2021 is:

Cancer affects the lives of family and friends in a number of ways. Has your life been affected by someone you love who has had cancer? If so, how? Have you volunteered for organizations that support those with cancer? What did you learn throughout these experiences?

Your essay needs to meet certain requirements for the application.

  • The essay has to be 500 words or more.
  • You must answer the prompt. We will not be reading essays that fail to answer the prompt.
  • You should use MLA format (Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double-spaced). Provide a Works Cited page if necessary.
  • You need to proofread the essay for spelling and grammar. This will be considered when reviewing each application.
  • The essay should convey your original thoughts, creativity, and unique perspective.
  • When you submit your essay, you agree for us to feature it on our blog. We’ll publish the winning essay.

When you’ve completed your essay and you’re ready to submit it, please refer to the application instructions below.

Submitting Your Application

Your application will have a few components. The subject line of your application email will be your name followed by Fall 2021 Scholarship. Example: “Sara Crew Fall 2021 Scholarship.” This MUST be the subject line so we can identify the application email. Any applications that do not have the correct subject line may be disqualified.

In the body of the email, you need to include your name, address, phone number, and the school you attend or plan to attend. In addition to this information, you may also write a brief bio about yourself. You can include a photograph if you wish.

You’ll attach the following to the email:

  • Your proof of acceptance
  • Your essay

Your proof of acceptance can be a digital copy of your acceptance letter that includes the university letterhead. If this is not available, you can also provide acceptance emails from the college, transcripts, or a copy of your course load. This should be attached as a PDF, JPG, or PNG.

You essay must be attached as a .DOCX or PDF. If we cannot open your proof of acceptance or your essay, then we cannot accept your application. Please do not copy and paste the essay into the email.

Submit your essay to by the application due date: Friday, July 16, 2021 by 11:59 p.m. EST.

Additional Rules:

  • Double check your application before sending to make sure all components are there. Send a single email containing your full application.
  • Due to the number of emails we receive, we will NOT be replying to questions about receiving the application, updates, or questions about the application itself. All the information you need is on this page.
  • Please proofread all work before submitting!
  • The submission period is open. We review all applications after the due date: Friday, July 16, 2021.

Failure to meet any of these requirements may result in the disqualification of your application.

Frost Law Firm, PC is proud to give students additional opportunities to help them in their educational journey. We are excited to review the applications for the first year of our academic scholarship.

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