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Our Blog

The Impact of Secondhand Asbestos Exposure on Family Members of Asbestos Workers

Asbestos exposure is the single known cause of mesothelioma, a rare, incurable cancer. If you are a mesothelioma patient who was exposed to asbestos through no fault of your own, you may qualify for compensation, but you’ll need the help a California mesothelioma lawyer provides. You are entitled to compensation if you have inhaled asbestos and you suffer from mesothelioma because a manufacturer, contractor, property owner, or employer was negligent. Mesothelioma victims may be compensated for their medical expenses, lost earnings, and related damages. Who May Develop Mesothelioma?[...]

How Can Mesothelioma Patients Access the Latest Treatments?

Exposure to asbestos is the sole cause of mesothelioma. Mesothelioma victims have the legal right to receive compensation from the party responsible for their asbestos exposure, but to recover their compensation, victims will need help from a California mesothelioma lawyer. Mesothelioma is an incurable cancer. It may take as long as five decades to develop as malignant cancer cells form, usually in the lining of the abdomen or chest. When mesothelioma is detected, doctors frequently recommend aggressive treatment. In the United States, about eight percent of those diagnosed[...]

How Did the EPA Act To Protect the Public from Exposure to Chrysotile Asbestos?

Asbestos, once hailed as a miracle material for its fire-resistant properties, is now recognized as a severe health hazard. Its microscopic fibers, when inhaled, can cause serious respiratory issues, including lung cancer and mesothelioma. In response to this public health crisis, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has undertaken various measures over the years to mitigate the risks associated with asbestos exposure. In this post, we’ll explore the actions taken by the EPA, including the 2024 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), to safeguard the public from the[...]

Do I Qualify for Compensation From an Asbestos Trust Fund?

You recently received a mesothelioma diagnosis, and in talking with your doctors about how to best treat it, you've come to realize that while insurance may cover most standardized treatment options, they won't cover anything that they deem to be experimental -- which is what you need. In looking for ways to cover mesothelioma treatments that your insurance may not or that you can't afford out of pocket, you might have heard about asbestos trust funds. If you're wondering if you qualify for compensation from an asbestos best[...]

How To Tell if Your Popcorn Ceiling Contains Asbestos

You're renovating or redecorating a home, and you want to modernize its aesthetic. As a contractor or someone who restores older homes, you know that the way things were once constructed is no longer considered the safest way to do it. Among other questions, this may lead you to wonder, "How can you tell if your popcorn ceiling contains asbestos?" We'll do our best to address this inquiry below. What To Know About This Toxic Mineral and Its Use in Construction If your home was constructed before 1990,[...]

EPA Bans Ongoing and Future Use of Asbestos

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a finalized rule regarding asbestos earlier this week. The March 18 news release shared by the EPA outlined a ban on current and future use of asbestos in our country. The prohibition of the naturally occurring mineral specifically applies to chrysotile, the sole remaining type of asbestos fiber that was still allowed to be imported into our country for use in manufacturing projects. This new rule will form part of the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA). That federal chemical safety[...]

Why Aren’t Side Underride Guards Required by Law?

When you’re driving near a semi-truck, you’ve probably seen the metal bar attached to the back of the trailer that hangs lower to the ground. That’s called an underride guard, or more specifically, a Mansfield Bar, and attaches to the rear suspension of a semi’s trailer to prevent cars from slipping under the back of the truck after a collision. This safety device was named after actress Jayne Mansfield, who died in 1967 when the car she was riding in rear-ended a semi-truck, killing her, her driver, and[...]

Truck No-Zones and How to Avoid Them

As a passenger car driver, you know that if you attempt to look either to the front or behind you as you make a turn, pass someone, or back up, you have to account for your vehicle's blind spots. Well, large trucks have these too. We want to share more about these truck no-zones and how to avoid them. So, keep reading below where we'll do that. What To Know About Tractor-Trailers' Blind Spots? Any sized truck will have its respective areas that, if smaller vehicles enter them,[...]

What Is the Safest Way to Pass an 18-Wheeler?

The freeways in Southern California are notorious for heavy congestion. Long Beach is no exception in this respect. Whether you're traveling along State Route or Interstate 710, the Long Beach Freeway, or surface streets, you're bound to encounter your fair share of large trucks. The reason why this is the case is because, according to the Port of Long Beach, it's one of a small handful of ports in the U.S. that is adequately equipped to receive large water vessels from around the world. Given how your chances[...]

What Are the Most Common Truck Driver Violations?

We see large trucks around us every day, whether on city roads making local deliveries or on the interstate transporting cargo across the country. They drive long hours and often push themselves too hard to meet deadlines, which, in turn, can lead them to make poor decisions while operating commercial motor vehicles (CMVs). Truck drivers operate vehicles that are much larger and heavier than the other vehicles on the road around them. When these drivers choose to violate road laws or make dangerous shortcuts while driving, it can[...]

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